The star system Hyades Sector FB-N B7-6, which contains Thargoid Titan Taranis, has been surrounded by human forces.

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Mandalay Released: Zorgon Peterson’s SCO-Friendly Explorer Ships Out
The first run of Mandalay ships has been delivered to shipyards across the core systems and are now available for purchase.
Zorgon Peterson’s Mandalay is the third new vessel to be optimised for Achilles Aerospace’s SCO frame shift drive – following the Python Mk. II and the Type-8 - and aims to become the premier medium-sized exploration craft.
Chief Marketing Officer Devin Kaneda sent a press statement to all shipyard outlets:
“The Mandalay allows pilots to achieve a considerable jump range while maintaining the manoeuverability of its size class, expanding the range of future exploration voyages of its size class. Our technicians have ensured that the ship’s handling in atmospheric conditions is exceptional, easing the travel down to undiscovered worlds.”
“A rethink of structural stress resistance, in cooperation with Achilles engineers, has resulted in the Mandalay taking full advantage of the SCO frame shift drive. We believe this vessel is an exceptional package for pilots who wish to explore the galaxy efficiently, comfortably and in style.”
Notable at the Mandalay’s release party was the lack of a representative of Sirius Corporation. Rumours of an ongoing disagreement between representatives and Zorgon Peterson management over Achilles’ design input have grown in volume in recent weeks.
Thargoid Fleet Invades Shinrarta Dezhra
A Thargoid invasion fleet has emerged in the Shinrarta Dezhra system, catching AX forces behind front lines by surprise.
The massive alien force quickly struck ports in the system. Jameson Memorial remains online but damaged, with local AX forces rallying to protect the famous megamarket. An urgent call for aid by local governors has been made.
Aegis has agreed to remain focused on frontline against the final two Thargoid Titans, while Sirius Corporation establishes supply lines to Shinrarta Dezhra. Azimuth Corporation has offered to provide further incentives for pilots heading to the region. The Corporation’s Megaships, Spirit of Laelaps and Musashi, have moved to a nearby system, V886 Centauri, to lend further support.
The Pilots’ Federation has granted a temporary permit to all Commanders to access the system for two weeks. Early reports indicate that the Pilots’ Federation has taken notably high casualties, with hundreds of Commanders active in the region lost during the initial heavy fighting.
Pilots looking to assist the AX efforts should first sign up to the defence fleet by visiting Rescue Ship Cornwallis in the V886 Centauri system before progressing into Shinrarta Dezhra.
With Jameson Memorial unavailable for regular trade, two other megamarkets remain available: I Sola Prospect in Brestla, and Attilius Orbital in CD-43 11917.
Aegis: “Be Alert for Thargoid Counterattacks”
Aden Tanner, special military advisor to the Aegis project, has warned of the potential for targeted Thargoid assaults on key military locations.
Speaking during a recent graduation ceremony for the latest batch of Federal AX recruits, Tanner warned against complacency following the destruction of Titan Thor last month.
“It may seem that we have the upper hand in this war. There’s no shame in taking pride in our accomplishments, and we’re certainly in a better place than when the Thargoid invasion started.”
“But the Thargoids are just as dangerous as they’ve ever been. Entering a conflict zone with anything less than full focus would be a terrible mistake. Think of how hard you’d fight if you thought the Thargoids were driving our fleets back a little further each day. That’s the situation our enemy finds themselves in.”
“In fact, while our forces push towards the remaining two Titans, Aegis is always watching for counter-attacking efforts behind our front lines. We know the Thargoids can travel via portal technology, allowing them to spring ambushes on our ports beyond any fleet blockades. What we're less clear on is how the aliens assign value to potential targets.”
“Important systems are well protected, but we're playing catch-up when predicting the Thargoids’ next move. When you join our AX forces in combat for the first time, remember: look out for each other, and always expect the unexpected.”
Random Beacon 150 - Hender's Ascension - Facece
Hender Saik Duval took the throne quietly. Ascending at the age of twenty two, he was the youngest to attain the throne. The new Emperor was a cautious man and his initial action on the political stage reflected this. The development of the Imperial Courier in 3145, the first Imperially funded ship design (designed without to much regard to cost) to appear in several hundred years prompted a large scale effort of renewal that had started with the establishment of the Facece Military Academy in 3104. Ship trials the previous year had suggested the Courier would exceed expectations and so further finance was ploughed into the area of spaceship design.